Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
Baltimore City's Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) provides a collaborative, victim-centered, and trauma-informed response to sexual violence in our community. The vision is rooted in a set of core values shared by the members of the SART.
- Collaboration
- Victim-Centered Response
- Offender Accountability
- Trauma-Informed Response
What does SART do?
- Hold case reviews of past sexual assault cases;
- Review and provide critical feedback on police training related to sexual assault;
- Support our advocacy partners when completing outreach and public education campaigns;
- Educate partners and the community on new laws and legislation being considered statewide and nationally related to sexual assault.
Our Partners
Baltimore City Police Department
- Investigation of reported rapes and sexual assaults
- Completion of Sexual Assault Forensic Exams
- Advocacy/Counseling/Accompaniment
Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office
- Prosecution of Crimes
Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault
- Public Policy
- Education/Training
- Community Outreach and Technical Assistance
- Legal Advocacy
- Shelter
- Employment Readiness
- Group and Individual Therapy
- Forensic Interview
- Medical Exam
- A joint investigation with law enforcement and Child Protective Services
Case Reviews
Unfounded Cases – In 2010 BPD had the highest amount in the country between 30% - 40%
- Changed criteria for finding cases unfounded
- The SART began reviewing each unfounded case every other month
Past Projects
- Provided feedback for curriculum concerning Consent Decree mandated training for sexual assault for BPD
- Partnered with CHANA to co-host training on sexual assault and violence against elders
- Reporting by Maryland Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Policy and Funding Committee members concerning new legislation and funding opportunities
- Moving to an evaluative model, “How do we know we’re helping?”
- More robust data collection will lead to more accountability
- Working more closely with local colleges and universities around Title IX
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